Lessons in the Forest

This series is dedicated to my mother, who showed me the strength of the forest.

In the forest, there exists a mysterious phenomena, Crown Shyness, where tree canopies distance at their crowns, to ensure health and mutual survival. My photo narrative draws upon allegorical imagery to illustrate parallels between the human condition and nature, our boundaries and behavior. This series explores the dynamics between interconnectivity/nurturance and distance/separation. In forest families, as in human societies, growth and abundance depends upon the sharing of resources. In developing this series, I was increasing drawn to the use of metaphors to convey the complexity and energy between nature and humans.Juxtaposing transcendent symbols with enigmatic nocturnal backgrounds, mystical spaces explode into creation. As the philosopher, Marie Ranier Rilke postulated …"love is between two solitudes that protect and border each other." Just as trees stand alone, but are interdependent in a forest, we are all ultimately connected as forces of life for each other or as forces of destruction.