Artist Statement

My artistic process begins with the creation of digital images and digital composites illuminated across time. I work in a conceptual realm with dream fragments and surreal images constructing  visual narratives. Along with images, I  incorporate text, found objects, sound, sculpture, collage and video installations. My objective artistically, in all of my work is to explore the psychological landscapes of sanctuary, memory and identity. Recurring themes in my portfolio involve structures for survival and the boundaries of belonging.  I construct work based on interconnectivity of humans, across cultural, geopolitical, racial and religious lines and  human's relationship with nature.  Through the use of metaphors, there is a spiritual dimension to much of the work and a search for rebirth and renewal. I seek beauty in any form to create a sustainable life. Over time, my work has evolved with consistent threads of personal meaning. These artistic  steps toward self examination require acts of courage to create and illuminate.